
Build Your Own Open Source App Store, Join the CASA!


  • Rose Rocchio, UCLA


CASA = App Discovery / Curation / Publishing

  • We started with iTunesU about 10 years ago.  That was pretty configurable initially, but eventually Apple decided to create its own categories that weren’t strictly compatible with the way we wanted to do things.  This got us started on CASA.
  • A key element is classification of content on the publisher’s terms
  • “Networks are better than the hub-and-spoke model”
  • Extensibility of attributes; continue to define useful attributes
  • Compliance registry coming soon at IMS Global
  • Continued tight integration with all IMS Global Standards

USE CASE:  Mobile/Web Portal Strategy and Personalization

Rose gave a quick demo of the mobile interface, showing how users can set up the mobile dashboard to organized the apps they want to see.  The point of this was to show that the apps that can be added come from a variety of curated resources across the UC system.

CASA  uses Caliper Analytics.  The team created sensors that sense how apps spread through the network, how apps are found and viewed, and when apps are added to storefronts and courses (this sounds pretty useful to me).  These sensors can help describe how popular apps are, i.e. how much they’re downloaded and used.  Rose then showed a dashboard that demonstrated how it works.

Student Benefits:  transparent, allows focus on class interaction & study; personal info is secure with trusted apps; improved course experience

CASA Roadmap

  • Working to get IMS Global CASA node registry in place
  • Define the compliance checklist process
  • Define a CASA attribute for CALIPER Metric Profiles
  • Define a plan for app referrals
  • Discuss Rating attributes and confidence levels
  • App Curation



By Paul Schantz

CSUN Director of Web & Technology Services, Student Affairs. husband, father, gamer, part time aviator, fitness enthusiast, Apple fan, and iguana wrangler.