Random Technology

Silly ring tones

I love audio clips that capture the essence of silly pieces of pop culture, and I sometimes turn them into ringtones.  When my phone rings, people tend to look at me sideways, but there’s never a question it’s MY phone.

As I create new ones – which isn’t often – I’ll add them here.  Download and enjoy!

Earl of Lemongrab

The Earl of Lemongrab from the cartoon Adventure Time, screaming “UNACCEPTABLE!!!” (MP3 download)

Tom, at his very best
Tom, at his very best

Tom from the “Tom & Jerry” cartoon. Tom is just about as suave as he can be in this clip (MP3 download)


Banana Guard
Banana Guard, dancing awkwardly

Banana Guard from the television show Adventure Time singing “Mama Said” (MP3 download)




Bender from the television show Futurama singing “Robot Wash” (MP3 download)



Benson, enraged
Benson, enraged

Benson from the cartoon Regular Show telling Muscle Man that he’s fired after saying “My Mom!” (MP3 download)

LSP on the phone
LSP on the phone

LSP (Lumpy Space Princess) from the television show Adventure Time saying “Heeeey gurl!” (MP3 download)

Mugatu with his dog
Mugatu with his dog

Mugatu from the movie Zoolander screaming “I invented the piano key necktie…” (MP3 download)