Education Technology Uncategorized

Building Your Digital Transformation Ecosystem with LTI Advantage

This session moved pretty fast (and included some very dense slides which were impossible capture in text), so any omissions or mistakes in my notes are entirely my fault!


  • Rob Abel, CEO, IMS Global Learning Consortium
  • Michael Berman, Chief Innovation Officer and Deputy CIO, California State University, Office of the Chancellor
  • Vince Kellen, Chief Information Officer, University of California San Diego
  • Jennifer Sparrow, Senior Director of Teaching and Learning Technology, The Pennsylvania State University


What is LTI Advantage and IMS Global?

LTI Advantage (and Insights – for analytics) is a strategy as much as an interoperability standard. It’s an integration standard for LMS and tools that connect to an LMS.  It’s based on OAuth2 and JSON web objects, plus extensions for names & roles provisioning, assignment and grade services, deep linking and custom extensions.

There are 25 LTI Advantage early adopters, which include the usual suspects like D2L, Canvas, etc.

LTI Insights

Which LTI-enabled tools are being launched?

  • How frequently and when?
  • For which courses?
  • Are the tools actually being used? By how many unique users?
  • What are the usage trends?
  • What types of devices? Mobile?
  • Which LTI-enabled tools received PII, and what information is shared, exactly?

Why is this important?

LTI addresses 5 of the top 10 EDUCAUSE 2018 top 10 issues. Our orgs are often working with hundreds of suppliers, and integration is a BIG challenge.

JS: If a tool is IMS-compliant, it’s much easier for us to fast-track tools into our ecosystem.

MB: in our case, our system is a lot more decentralized so we’re trying to explain the value that LTI brings to our campuses.

VK: we want to make sure that our entire edtech ecosystem is LTI-compliant. It’s complicated and it’s not owned by any one entity. Standards of integration will help us to deliver a better teaching and learning environment.

JS: having the data streams come out in a way that does NOT require a lot of manipulation is a huge benefit for us and allows to be more precise with our predictive analytics and help us get our students to graduation.

RA: integration and analytics together – which LTI provides – allow us to do our jobs more effectively. Any supplier or institution can participate, which is probably unique to higher ed.

VK: data integration is a real rate limiter.

Question: what about extending LTI beyond the LMS, say, to the SIS? We’re working on that via the IMS EduAPI. EduAPI a set of industry standard extensible APIs to support user provisioning, common source ID and administrative data exchange.


By Paul Schantz

CSUN Director of Web & Technology Services, Student Affairs. husband, father, gamer, part time aviator, fitness enthusiast, Apple fan, and iguana wrangler.