Education Technology

A Global University Experience: how The Minerva Schools at KGI’s Technology allows its Students to become Global Citizens

Presenter: Eric Bonabeau

With Minerva, we have a chance to start from scratch, with first principles…we know how to maximize learning, based on a set of metrics. Let’s build a delivery mechanism that will maximize learning.

Putting 300 students in a big auditorium and lecturing them should be illegal! Well, let me walk that back…the issue is that classes of that size will not allow for students to meaningfully interact with the (likely world class) professor. In a city like Los Angeles, Berlin, San Francisco, the city is your campus, in smaller towns, the campus is your city.

93% of employers said a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems is more important than a job candidate’s undergraduate degree. This is the reason Minerva exists.

What is the most common job in America today? What will it be in ten years? Self-driving cars were not something that would have been predicted ten years ago…what’s next?

“A future proof education”

  • Practical knowledge
  • Engaging Classrooms
  • Global Immersion
  • Accessible Admissions

We get students involved in lots of co-curricular activities.

Tuition is $12,000/year, which is inexpensive by American standards. However, for the rest of the world this is pretty expensive. Out of 12,000 applicants, we only accepted 300 students. We want innovators and global citizens.

Specific Aspects

  • Thinking critically
  • Thinking creatively
  • Communicating effectively
  • Interacting effectively

Habits of mind/automatic cognitive reflexes

Use plausibility checks to determine whether claims are reasonable; use principles of effective debating, ID your audience & tailor oral & written work accordingly, and more.

It’s a journey toward mastery; active learning is key

Eric then showed a video that sampled class instruction and interaction with students.




Mobile App Governance and sharing in a highly distributed hybrid mobile environment

Presenter: Rose Rocchio

Impact of Sensors on Schools

  • Wellness
  • Transponders on buses
  • iBeacons
  • etc.
  • Privacy concerns

Everyone is a publisher; governance matters

  • What qualifies as an institutional app?
  • What brand requirements are there?
  • Compliance requirements?
  • Processes in place to assure QA, security, legal requirements?
  • Need to ID and understand needs of all constituents the institution is trying to serve

App Governance Questions

  • Ads?
  • App content appropriate to be under university umbrella?
  • Will data be collected? Is it local use?
  • Is it going to be published?
  • Who’s intellectual property is in the app?
  • What about apps that have a charge or in-app purchases?

How do we share?

  • Publish app details: description, icon, screen shots, accessibility, privacy and security, mobile-friendly & native apps, ratings (staff and faculty), description.

e-Qis-Portfolio – The Digitization of an in-depth Middle School Science Teaching ePortfolio tool & Web Dashboard


e-Qis is funded by a grant with NSF; there are many PIs from several universities

What is e-QIS?

  • Quality Instruction in Science
  • Follow-on study of QIS, used to use 3-ring binders and post it notes.
  • Tool to capture and evaluate information electronically

Portfolio Overview

  • Instructional docs
  • Images of student work
  • Short video clips
  • 3 parts: initial folder, 10 daily folders, concluding folder

Folder Contents

  • Initial folder provides general info about your science teaching with an initial reflection. You can also upload artifacts.
  • Daily folders collect artifacts of all aspects of daily instruction and assessment practice related to learning goals
  • Concluding folder contains things to improve on/modify with the class

The “App” Itself

  • 2 pieces: mobile data collection, server with a dashboard to manage what’s collected.
  • Mobile is modified version of “ohmage X,” built in Cordova (HTML, CSS, JS – a bit like phone gap)
  • App runs on AWS – a single EC2 server on a VPC


  • EMA: “Ecological Momentary Assessment” samples subjects’ current behaviors and experiences in real time.
  • It’s a rich survey-taking tool
  • Added participants and teachers; evaluators are added as teachers so they can review what the “students” are doing
  • Data is collected in the class and also outside of it to minimize class disruption
  • Annotations and notes can be added to the collected “artifacts”

App Itself (Redux)

  • Visualization / dashboard
  • e-qis-web plug-in to ohmage for visualizations and evaluation (runs on AWS server)
  • e-QIS web plug-in is a collection of JS, CSS and HTML; also backbone.js, bootstrap, and ohmage.js
  • Teachers can only see their own data; can “explore” their own portfolios (i.e. all photos, all videos, all initial, etc.); view portfolios in “ordered” context; export their portfolio.
  • Evaluators can see all teachers they’re assigned to evaluate; they have review, explore, and summary views.
  • Admins are super evaluators, and have all teacher and evaluator functions; this is really a monitor role.


  • Verifying file types
  • Video capture
  • Upload times
  • Different usage patterns
  • Diverging from true
  • Web plug-in: displaying video (HTML5 video tags not as easy as you think), arranging data in a useful way,
  • Very iterative with the clients
  • Varying opinions as to what is useful
  • Responsive design
  • Displaying and normalizing video
  • Supporting many formats on many browsers and platforms: there are MANY flavors of MP4.
  • Converting old videos, restricting new video formats
  • Normalizing other user data (panorama images, images with wrong orientation, length and formatting, clashes with design)
  • Privacy (non-public data repository with limited entry points)


  • General purpose teacher portfolio
  • Teacher certification and evaluation
  • Teacher training
Education Technology

Assessing the Impact of the Learning Analytics Paradigm on Management Education

Presenter: Owen Hall, Jr. from Pepperdine


  • Growing business demands: web savvy, with global perspectives
  • Increasing use of the web in management education: hybrid, online, MOOCs, SoMe
  • Rising Educational costs (MBA >= $100K)
  • Stagnant economy

Faculty Perspectives

  • 90+% believe web-based learning tech is important to fulfilling their institution’s mission
  • Nealy 60% believe SoMe will influence delivery of management education

AACSB Survey

  • Study sponsored by AACSB revealed gap between current delivery of education and what is needed & expected in the future

Business Analytics Categories

  • Descriptive (analysis): categorizing customers by their product preferences; performance metrics like inventory turns and employee absenteeism
  • Predictive (forecasting): FICO credit scoring, product/service demand
  • Prescriptive (optimization: investment portfolio design, yield management

Learning Analytics

  • Student Outcomes feeds Data Mining feeds Analytics feeds Student Outcomes

Learning Analytics

  • Understanding how students are learning: ongoing soft & hard measurements, assessment rubrics
  • Optimizing the learning process: crowdsourcing, MOOCs, interventions, conditional release

Learning Assurance System

  • Assessment Repository
  • Interface with SoMe
  • Analytics based
  • REal time processing
  • High degree of interaction and collaboration
  • Consistent reporting
  • Continuous improvement!

Graziadio Assessment System

  • LiveText + Peoplesoft data feeds Outcomes (Performance, Intervention, Curriculum).
  • Provided an example rubric

Curriculum Reform

  • Tied directly to QA
  • Better align products with the needs of the business community
  • Increase flexibility and student choices
  • More bootcamps to address growing “technical” deficiencies
  • Reduce time to graduate
  • Address tuition challenges

Curriculum Reform Process

Mission, vision, values feed the following cycle:

  • Learning goals,
  • Curriculum design
  • Course delivery
  • Student assessment
  • Continuous upgrading

Spillover Benefits

  • Focused on learning
  • Courses as Building Blocks
  • Working as Teams
  • Making Hard Decisions

Big Picture

The Cycle: QA > Analytics > Curriculum Reform

Cloud Based Collaboration Networks

Primary goal of a cloud based collaboration network is to provide a platform where the management education community can converge and share


  • Employers looking for grads who are web savvy  problem solving oriented
  • Learning tech is changing face of mgmt ed by better aligning business programs with needs of business universe
  • Learning analytics offer dynamic resource for supporting the qa process
  • Curriculum reform is essential to meet the needs of the business universe
  • Collaboration platforms are crucial to success
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