Accessibility Technology

AccessU at CSUN 2014



Sharron Rush kicked off the event:  This is the second time we’ve brought AccessU to CSUN, we want to bring the excitement and education of our normal three-day event to you here.  We want to bring very specific and useful tools you can use.  We’ve broken this event into three tracks:   advocacy and usability (Sharron), responsive design (Derek), IT/program & project management (Elle).  Attendees are welcome to move between the three tracks as they like.

Elle:  We want to encourage collaboration and sharing of your experiences.  This is a participation sport!  There will be team exercises and things to work on together.  If there are topics you REALLY want to talk about, feel free to contribute to the conversation.

Derek:  as Elle said, we really do encourage collaboration.  Derek then reviewed housekeeping tasks and the day’s schedule; the schedule is at a web site the presenters set up here:  Copies and transcriptions of the question boards posted at the back of the room will be posted to the web site later on.

Just so you understand the rest of this post, you should know that I opted to follow the track Elle ran because a) her past presentations have been extremely coherent, useful, and focused on product management – which is something I care about – and b) I’m a bit of a fanboy.  Onward!


FIRST DEEP DIVE:  9:30 – 10:30 AM

SLIDE:  Key Points

  • Accessibility should pay for itself
  • Building the business case for accessibility is about relationships and trust
  • Building the business case for accessibility is also about being a change agent

Innovation and accessibility are closely related


SLIDE:  Discussion:  Biggest Challenges

  • What are the primary road blocks that you’ve experienced in your organization when trying to build the business case for accessibility?
  • Which departments or roles pose the greatest challenge to your success?
  • What one action could you take next to move this forward?

Comment:  executive buy-in is often a problem.  Lack of prioritization often means that accessibility gets lost in translation.


SLIDE:  How does Accessibility…

  1. Align with your company’s vision?
  2. Align with your company’s business goals?
  3. Position itself as a solution for other teams’ challenges?
  4. Align with your company’s methodologies?
  5. Support your company’s specific user groups?

Answering these five questions will help you orient yourself when discussing accessibility with everyone in your organization.  In many ways, you should be the expert in your organization about organizational objectives and processes.  This will buy you the credibility you need when having those key conversations.


SLIDE:  Team exercise:  company profile

At this point, Elle and Sharron’s groups were together.  We broke up into our constituent groups after going through the bullets below.  After that, “Elle’s group” worked on building a company profile.

  1. Organization type and size (government agency, non-profit, publicly traded corporation)
  2. Who are you?  What do you do?  What’s your company’s passion?
  3. Over-arching business philosophies (eg, Kaizen, Mobile First, Six Sigma, UCD-User Centered Design, ISO9000)
  4. Is there a single project that your whole company is focused on right now or in the near future?

It’s important for you to have as much information as possible about your company’s goals and the people you’re going to be talking to about accessibility.  Here are some key questions you should ask before getting started:

  • Do you have existing development standards at your company?  Can you point your web developers to a document that explains how to build – for example – a form?
  • Do you have a design pattern library?
  • Do you have an accessibility statement?  This is really helpful from a policy perspective.
  • How “established” is your organization’s digital governance?  Is it well-organized?
  • Describe your SDLC.  Does what you say you do bear any resemblance with what you actually do (the quote “we’re a fragile shop” drew a lot of laughs).
  • Get to know your users!  Do it with personas, channels, target markets, etc.  Does your company have regular contact with it’s customers?  What is the typical workflow for people to get their voice heard.
  • What is your organization’s background with accessibility?
  • Has your organization faced any legal action with accessibility?  Sometimes these conversations start based on legal action.

One of the attendees talked about the H&R Block lawsuit that was recently settled.  It entailed relatively minor punitive damages ($133K), but resulted in the institution of major changes in the company’s internal processes.  This included creation of a Chief Accessibility Officer, regular audits, and more.  It’s much better to be pro-active than be forced to do something as the result of legal action.  This has other negative results too, i.e. a tarnished brand image.

Another attendee wanted to talk more about building accessibility into project budgeting.  We did later on when talking about procurement…

What do you do to prevent legal Action?  Having a documented organizational intent with a policy, milestones, and a feedback mechanism often helps to prevent lawsuits.  Lainey Feingold has a great session on this topic later this week, which everyone should attend.

Especially important after talking about legal action:  don’t forget that this effort is about the users!

The Prioritization Matrix (the break out activity)

  • Y-Axis:  Level of Visibility (who could see this web site)
  • X-Axis Regulatory / Legal oversight
  • These axes results in four quadrants, which help you as an accessibility professional target the items that need the most attention in your organization.

As mentioned above, when building the prioritization matrix, you really do have to be more well-versed in organizational priorities than just about everyone else.  When you meet with the people you need to evangelize to, you should probably focus on those items that fit into the top right quadrant (high priority, high regulatory / legal oversight).

I built a matrix with a group of four higher education folks.  Here were the groups:

Government team:  everything is driven by some form of a regulatory requirement.  Some of the regulatory requirements are competing.  Agency home pages are highest priority.

For-profits:  we’re in all four quadrants.  For highly visible public sites where there’s no login or transactions, inaccessible sites will be passed over by our customers.  Internal customer sites are low visibility, but high oversight (i.e. – job postings).  Internal tools used by specific users are generally low visibility/low regulatory and legal oversight.

Higher Ed:  we’re closer to the government model, with a lot of items in the top-right quadrant.  Systems that are required include student information and HR systems, course management tools, and so on.  Items that fit into static web sites often include marketing content that may have high visibility but not a lot of regulatory oversight, i.e. campus tours, about us pages, etc.

Laying your company’s profile over this matrix will help you build your strategy and communicate your message to all stakeholders.

Build your “campaign speech” and include it in every meeting about accessibility you put on, i.e. roadshows, brown bag lunches.  Senior executives should NOT hear this evangelist language from you first, they should hear it from their close colleagues.  Share your wins and share the credit…this will help keep the momentum going.

Question to Elle from the group:  How to you make the roadshow sexy?  While this gets people’s attention, it may not be the very best thing to say…but historically, there are three things that drive online innovation:  gaming, pornography, and accessibility 🙂  It also helps to be a high energy person.  Hackathons help a lot by driving developer excitement.

The Five Ps:

  1. Planning
  2. Policy
  3. Procurement
  4. Process
  5. Professional Development


SLIDE:  Procurement & Compliance

“Cabbages and Oak Trees:”  what are we going to be when we grow up?  You need quick wins with fast turnaround times…but you also need to build something that’s lasting.  You need governance and metrics to be a part of the scaffolding, and you also need to consider whether your organization will fall under ADA Section 3, CVAA, and Section 508.

Process and integration of accessibility is cyclical.  That said, you need to be at the source, at the very beginning…BEFORE the project gets into the kickoff phase.  In other words, be a part of the procurement process!  “Procurement is the ingredients, and implementation is the cake you bake.”  Customers measure the cake, not the quality of the eggs.

Procurement toolkit:

  • Define standards – what are you obligated to meet?  Be comprehensive but not redundant.  Incorporate explicit advice for how you deal with specific things like UX and code standards.
  • Develop a public policy –  key features:  statement should be aligned with your brand promise.  Show the steps you’ve taken and the progress you’ve made.  Show an example of the accessibility features on your web site.  Be sure you have a feedback mechanism with someone minding the store…there’s no point in have a contact e-mail if nobody ever reads or responds to it.
  • Map out your objectives!  Align your initiatives with specific dates.
  • Take an inventory of your vendors.  The main difference between platforms and services is that a platform can snake it’s way into every crevice of your organization, so it’s important to get it right!

Pre-lunch questions:  how many services does your organization use?  For most large organizations, it’s probably in the hundreds.


AFTERNOON:  The Gist of What You Missed, 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Each group leader reviewed what their group talked about during their respective morning sessions.

Sharron:  We are all about the people that we serve,  and that includes both the people with and without disabilities in our organizations.  We define accessibility with respect to people, not standards.  In that vein, we use these concepts:  Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust.  Our group had representatives from government, corporations, and higher education.  We start our process by enlisting executive sponsors, internal and external stakeholders, launch a usability test.  When then talked about the process parts and implementation of a “game plan” over a “roadmap.”  Why do we call it a game plan and not a roadmap?  Because a game plan is more fluid/cyclical and a roadmap is linear.  We then thought through the players we need to involve in our game plan, and how to coach them to work to the best of their ability.  How do we cross-train them if necessary?   We did a quick look at EasyChecks as well.  W3C’s Education and Outreach Working Group is also working on a series of tutorials which will be rolled out over the next six months or so.


Elle:  We talked about building the business case, and then we split out into our “building the business case” groups.  Bold statement:  accessibility should pay for itself, because it builds so many benefits for your company.  It’s also about building relationships of trust.  It’s about being a change agent within your organization.  We talked about developing a company profile risk matrix so that you can map your organization’s risk profile to it.  You then have to be strategic and target those tasks that will have the biggest impact.  Once you have these elements, you take your show on the road and take every opportunity you have to communicate your message.  We also talked about the pillars of accessibility, the 5 Ps:  Planning, Policy, Procurement, Process, Professional Development.  We talked about developing a policy page that articulates your organization’s plan, your roadmap, and a place to highlight your “wins” so visitors can see what you’ve done.  Also be sure to have a mechanism in place that allows visitors to provide feedback, and then actively monitor it!  We finally talked about procurement as a key part of the process that you should bake your accessibility concerns into.


Derek:   two philosophies of responsive design.  One is the “old method” of fixed width, the other “new method” is building for resolution ranges.   Responsive design allows you to provide your customer with more than one way to accomplish a task.  Mobile devices use gestures that may have different meanings depending on the operational mode, i.e. a swipe down means something different when accessibility features are turned on.  Historically, designers have looked at design problems in a very constrained way.  We spent some time looking at mobile devices and how they work with accessible technology turned on.  We showed how the rotor control works on iOS.  We also reviewed a few key concepts, most notably how a change in layout / display may require a change in interaction, role (markup), source order, alt text, state or other property.  A good practical example of this would be a mega-menu.



Back with Elle again…

Procurement as a priority – how do you make it successful?

You can’t sit in on every single conversation where accessibility might be mentioned.  You’re best off getting your language into the boilerplate documentation used by your organization in their day-to-day business.  An example of this would be RFP & RFQ documents.  BUT…how do you make sure that the vendors you’re talking to fully understand what you need from their products with respect to accessibility?

  1. Boilerplate language needs to be in your documents
  2. Vendors need to demonstrate tool accessibility via testing, or a VPAT
  3. Have live discussions with your vendors; use open-ended questions i.e. “please describe your understanding of and commitment to open web standards and progressive enhancement” or “describe what POUR means to you” or “please describe your testing process with individuals, machines, etc.” “who will pay for accessibility deficiency fixes after purchase?”

Question to Elle from an attendee:  is there a list of vendors who are invested in making their products accessible?  Not exactly, but there are a number of vendors that do have excellent reputations.  Loop 11 is a good vendor for doing remote user testing.


Design Pattern Library

Standardization of designs wherever possible is extremely important for providing contextual meaning.  Yelp is one company that has published their design patterns and is worth looking at.  LinkedIn has an interesting way of dealing with developing design pattern standards:  they have a sort of “lab space” where things are being tested but vetted by their accessibility team.  Having a versioning system (SVN, github, mercurial) is important as well.


Role-Based Responsibility Requirements

Take all the roles in your organization that have contact with digital content and make a matrix of what their responsibilities are, and how their roles influence the organization’s response to accessibility.  Accessibility teams that operate as a stand-alone entity generally aren’t as effective.


Distributed Responsibility:  Long-Term Growth

(this description is a transcription of a graphical slide, so the translation may not make sense…my apologies)  Project Management Links directly to Accessibility, while accessibility itself is split between the following tasks:

  • Analysis
  • Architecture
  • Interaction design
  • Content Strategy
  • Graphic Design
  • Prototyping
  • Development
  • Quality Control

We broke up into five groups, each taking on a particular HTML control type.  My group took on the slider control.  We spent our time talking about the specific requirements that would be required to ensure the control is accessible, and who would be responsible for handling each slice of the responsibility pie.  We ended up having ten different roles (i.e. business analyst, marketing, content people, developers, designers, interaction designers, testers, UX researchers, and product managers) to handle each item.

Resources including slide decks, photos, resource links, transcriptions of items written on the easels, etc. will be available at sateach.ex/csun

I hope you find this – the first of many posts – helpful.

Accessibility Technology

CSUN 2014 Conference

…and I’m back at the CSUN conference for another year.  Looks like there will be a lot of great web accessibility presentations this year, with many of the events happening (as usual) at the same time.  I’m going to have a hard time choosing between some of these!  My particular interest is the web track.

As usual, I will be live-blogging each of the events I attend, followed by a mega-post linking to all my conference posts at the end of the week.  If there’s anything you’d like me to provide more detail on or ask “in-session,” please let me know!  I’ll do my best to get to everything 🙂

You can follow me here

…or here:  LinkedIn:

Student Affairs Technology

How a simple web service saved 1,500+ hours of student time

It may only be February, but graduation is already on the minds of many of us in higher education.  It’s an exciting time for our graduating seniors, and a lot of work for us in Student Affairs who do the “behind the scenes” work to make these events run smoothly.

At CSUN, we have an annual event in March called “GradFest” that supports Commencement.  GradFest is an event where students who have applied to graduate can learn everything they need to know about graduation, visit with vendors to purchase a cap and gown, class ring, and so on.  The annual CSUN graduate population is made up of thousands of students, so as you might imagine, this is a large event to plan from a logistical standpoint.

A big part of GradFest is to check that students have indeed applied to graduate – that is, they are “on the list.”  Prior to 2013, this was accomplished by students waiting in a line, where they were manually matched by staff in our Office of Student Involvement and Development to a long list of students who had a) met the criteria to walk and b) applied to graduate.  If students were on that list, they were checked off and sent to a second set of lines where they could purchase their regalia (more on that in a moment).  At this point, you may be asking yourself “why does that first line exist to begin with?”  Great question.  In the distant past (10+ years ago), we had situations where students who had not applied to graduate and were not in fact eligible to walk, purchasing regalia and walking.  Implementing this simple cross-check virtually eliminated the case of the “phantom graduate.”  The downside is that this check was done manually with a paper list, and that takes time.

Many of you who are front-line with students probably already see the other issue.  At any event hosting thousands of students, you’re bound to have some standing in line who – for whatever reason – should not be there because they haven’t done what they were supposed to do.  After waiting in line for as much as an hour, these students find out that they aren’t on the list and need to visit the registrar to sort things out.  They’re not able to move forward and order the most visible artifacts of a graduate, so at this point they’re likely to be upset.

As a web technologist, I saw this situation and thought of ways that we could use web services to simplify event logistics.  One of our big GradFest vendors brings in over fifty of their own computers that are connected to the Internet, so students can easily browse their online store and buy or reserve their regalia.  I thought:  “What if my team could build a simple web app that calls a web service whose sole purpose is to say whether or not a student is on the list?”  If we could do that, then all we’d have to do is present this web page on a browser of the vendor’s computers.  This would not only completely eliminate a line, we’d also free up many hours of professional staff time.  An added side-benefit is that those students who were not on the list would not be quite as upset when told they needed to visit the registrar.  A five-minute wait beats an hour-long wait hands down!

To make this happen, my team had to do four things:

  1. Add to our data warehouse the list of students who had successfully met the criteria to graduate and had successfully applied to participate in their graduation ceremony.
  2. Build a web service that a) verifies a student is in the warehouse, and b) returns a simple “thumbs-up/thumbs-down” value.
  3. Build a bare-bones web app that authenticates a student using their CSUN user id and password.  After authenticating the user, the app invokes the web service and presents appropriate messaging to the student, i.e. “Congratulations…” or “We’re sorry, but…”
  4. Document the process.

Some of you may be asking yourselves:  “Hey Paul, web services have been in general use for over a decade in the larger world.  What’s so special about your implementation?  It sounds super simple.”  And you’d be right to ask that question.  What makes our implementation so special is that waaaay back in 2013, this was the very first production implementation of a web service at CSUN that I’m aware of…and it took us less than two weeks to build!  Once we implemented this simple proof of concept, the vast potential that web services and APIs enable became very real for us.  By making clearly defined data available to applications, we opened up some pretty amazing possibilities.

Ok, so what were the specific successes and issues we experienced?

The successes were dramatic and obvious:

  1. Eliminated a line, saving students 1,500+ hours of time standing in line
  2. Saved professional staff 50+ hours of time manning the line, freeing them up to provide high-touch event services for those students who really needed them
  3. Built a practical proof-of-concept that worked exactly as expected and demonstrated the power of web services
  4. Added a table to our data warehouse containing an always up-to-date list of students who can participate in graduation ceremonies.
  5. Created excitement among our developers around web services and APIs

The issues and challenges we experienced are real, but tend towards the philosophical.  For many processes and services on this campus – and I suspect any campus – simply putting your information into a database is a big step forward.  Add a web interface, and you’re talking rocket science!  Ok, I’ll cop to a little hyperbolic license there, but it is fair to say that some people who benefit from a database-powered application tend to get, shall we say, protective of their data.  This human issue almost inevitably leads to data balkanization, more often referred to as silos.  Another issue when implementing web services is that higher ed administrators and even some IT folks are used to thinking about applications in the traditional sense, and don’t give much – if any – time to thinking “a layer above” their application. There are almost always ways in which data and applications can be made useful beyond their original intended purpose.  I believe that strategically thinking about how we make connections between our data and services is the future of technology in Student Affairs.  In short, Student Affairs is a platform.  More on that in another post…

In a few weeks, I look forward to seeing CSUN students use our little app at GradFest.  In a few months, when I attend graduation and hear pomp and circumstance, I’ll know that I and my team had some small hand in making this process just a little bit easier for our students and the staff who support their success.

Good luck to everyone in this 2014 graduation season!



My EDUCAUSE 2013 Mega Post

One the things I try to do when I attend conferences is to make a detailed record of all the sessions I attend, with the exception of keynotes, which tend to get really good coverage from other folks.  I live blog the events as I attend them, which hopefully helps those who committed to other sessions, and then I do one of these “mega posts,” which summarize all the posts I attended.  Based on my itinerary, 2013 seems to be the year of big data and analytics.  I’m willing to bet a lot of my fellow attendees will agree 🙂

I’ve been in higher education for just over seven years now, and somewhat amazingly, this was the very first EDUCAUSE event I’ve ever attended.  Why didn’t anyone tell me about this conference?  It was an extremely worthwhile event, at least for me…one of the meetings I had will likely save my division close to $50,000 each year!  That savings will go a long way toward providing students at CSUN with more and/or better services.  There were lots of great sessions to attend, with lots of smart folks sharing what they’re doing with IT on their campuses.  I’ll definitely be back next year.

Without any further ado, here’s my EDUCAUSE 2013 mega-post…please drop me a line and let me know if this helps you!


Friday, October 18 (last day of EDUCAUSE was a half day)


Thursday, October 17 (my busiest day)


Wednesday, October 16 (spent a few hours prowling the vendor floor and visiting with my accessibility colleagues)


Tuesday, October 15 (each session was a half-day long)



Climbing the Leadership Ladder: An Insider’s View of the CIO Search Process

Title:  Climbing the Leadership Ladder: An Insider’s View of the CIO Search Process


  • Dianna Sadlouskos, Strategic Alliance Partner, Next Generation Executive Search, LLC
  • Philip J. Goldstein, Managing Partner, Next Generation Executive Search, LLC


This firm has done about 18 CIO successful searches, and is here to provide career coaching and observations to address the three what institutions want (candidate profile), making your case, managing your career.

The whole process starts with a consultative process with the institution about what they actually need.  It’s hopefully heavily influenced by institutional priorities.  It also includes thing “top of mind” with presidents and provosts.  Often, these folks think executive search firms have three boxes of the following types of IT pros to pull from:

  1. Optimizer:  delivers continuous improvement to IT
  2. Transformer:  early adopter of technologies, reforms and refocuses IT
  3. Strategist:  shapes institutional and IT strategies

IMPORTANT:  the institution needs a clear sense of what they’re looking for.


SLIDE:  Evolving Emphasis


  • Improve service
  • Contain costs
  • Run large technology/ process change projects
  • Provide technical leadership
  • manage Risk


  • Catalyze innovative pedagogy and enable student success
  • Enhance research competitiveness
  • Optimize central and distributed IT
  • Set sourcing strategy
  • Create sustainability


SLIDE:  Building your Brand

  • Personal Brand:  defined professional profile
  • Value:  Manage your reputation, influence the industry conversation, build a cohort community
  • Brand Attributes:  Authentic, energetic, connected, intellectual curiosity

Use of social media counts!  It’s important how you view yourself, and you have a real hand in developing your own reputation by influencing or even leading relationship-building activities.  Be true to yourself and your intentions.

Start with 3-tiered approach:  Study > Share > Build

What are other CIOs doing?  How do I want to set up my own profile and how does it resonate with the three CIO types above?  For example, if you’re interested in student success and retention, there are certainly groups you can join that will help you get up-to-speed.  Eventually, you will be able to create community with like-minded people whose ideas resonate with you.  Share your slide decks with tools like slideshare…chances are good that your experience will help someone else.

Shared some of the top CIOs using social media:

  • Baz Abouelenein
  • Phil Komarny
  • Stephen DeFilipo
  • Tim Chester

Be consistent in how you represent yourself!


SLIDE:  Presenting your Brand

If possible, arrange to be recruited

Ask for an informational interview first

Prepare a concise, tailored resume

  • quantify accomplishments
  • tailor description of experience

Cover letters aren’t perfunctory

  • Establish the basis for your interest
  • Highlight significant, relevant accomplishments
  • Proactively address anomalies


SLIDE:  Cover Letter Tips

  • Customize for each opportunity
  • Organize content:  beginning, middle, end
  • Focus on specific experiences in your background that align with this role
  • Anticipate questions, explain gaps
  • Minimize jargon
  • Proofread / read aloud

Your cover letter should tell a compelling story!


SLIDE:  Resume

  • Customize to each opportunity
  • Establish scope and scale of your position
  • Include a professional profile
  • Highlight significant accomplishments
  • Don’t forget the fundamentals

First 5-7 sentences should conjure an image of you.  PDF your cover letter WITH your resume.  If you’re telling a compelling story, length of resume is not that important.  HOWEVER, four pages is a good practical limit that most people will not read beyond.  Be sure to include enough detail, and don’t “bury the lede.”


SLIDE:  Search Committee Interview

Committees are testing candidates on multiple levels

  • Depth of experience and knowledge
  • Ability to communicate clearly and persuasively
  • Personality, energy and style
  • Leadership presence

The interview is an audition for

  • How you would interact with cabinet or board
  • What you are like as a colleague
  • How you perform under pressure


SLIDE:  Typical Questions

  • Why do you want this job?  (people often stumble over this one)
  • How have you failed and what did you learn?
  • What resources will you need to be successful?
  • How do you develop a culture of service?
  • How do you optimize the relationship between central and distributed IT?
  • How can tech help institutions gain a a comparative advantage in research?
  • How do you quickly spread innovative uses of academic technologies?

When you failed, what did you learn?  How are you a better leader for taking a risk?  That question is not a trap!


SLIDE:  Managing Your Career

Essential Experiences you must be able to articulate:

  • Build the depth of your experience
  • Plan – for an institution, org, or service
  • Vision – get the institution, a department or individuals to stretch
  • Prioritize – demonstrate how you apply scarce resources to maximize impace
  • Lead – develop eople, build cpacity, challenge your team
  • Influence – create change without authority
  • Deliver – continuously improves services


SLIDE:  If you are a Rising CIO

  • Build experience working outside your primary portfolio:  within IT, outside of IT
  • Develop a point of view on broader higher education and IT isssues
  • Proactively addres predicatble areas of doubt – leadership, strategy, risk
  • Seek opportunities that align with your deepest area of experience

Be able to proactively answer the question:  “are you ready yet?”  This is something that senior leadership teams will want to know.


SLIDE:  If you’re an experienced CIO

  • Continue to broaden your experience – research, instruction, consituent engagement
  • Refine your point of view on key issues in IT and higher education
  • Demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively across the organization
  • Develop your rising leaders
  • Articulate your key accomplishments

Strike up conversations with people who are leaders in areas you need to brush up on.  It pays off in two ways:  proves your a good leader and it helps your institution function better.



How many clients were willing to hire the rising CIO rather than the sitting CIO?  About 20%.  What got them the job was their area of primary expertise lined up with the needs of the university and they had the soft skill nailed.  They had actually worked in larger organizations, and were taking a step back.  You have to be aware the key issues the institution is facing.

What’s the best way to represent 20 years of consulting work in a resume?  You want to include in your introduction details that explains the value of consulting, i.e. diversity of experience.  Clearly articulate your accomplishments and be laser-focused with how those accomplishments align with representative examples that align with the institution you’re interviewing with.

What about “jumping Carnegie classes?”  Depends on the scale and complexity of the operation you’ve run.  For example, if going from a community college to a research university.

Where should people look for opportunities (since not all are advertised)?  Look at aggregators and cultivate search firms.  Read the job posting in the Chronicle of Higher Education.  Create a network of colleagues at EDUCAUSE and other places…endorsements can be extremely valuable and will give you the inside track on opportunities you might not otherwise hear about.