
EDUCAUSE Web Professionals Constituent Group

Title:  EDUCAUSE Web Professionals Constituent Group

Facilitator:  Aren Cambre, Team Lead, Web Technologies, Southern Methodist University


Quick round of introductions, about 16 attendees.

What is the web now?  What makes it special?  What are we now?

There’s a ton of work to do yet with the web, we tend to be about five years behind the rest of the world.  We spent several minutes talking about CMSes (Ektron, OmniUpdate specifically) and how we tend to work with our marketing departments.

IT people are often are a store of institutional knowledge…do others experience this, too?  General nodding of assent around the room.  Decentralized IT units seem to be the norm.  UCLA has about 80 IT departments.  Other campuses also have many IT units.

We all leverage students to take care of our work.  It’s generally best to serve them with “progressive development opportunities.”  For example, angular framework, CloudFoundry, and Node.js were discussed.

Some talk about UX and design patterns, which led into a discussion about WCM.  Lots of Drupal, some WordPress, Cascade, OmniUpdate, plus a few others I didn’t catch.

Please use the UWebD list serve and use our EDUCAUSE web professionals list!



By Paul Schantz

CSUN Director of Web & Technology Services, Student Affairs. husband, father, gamer, part time aviator, fitness enthusiast, Apple fan, and iguana wrangler.

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