- Matt Willmore, University of Notre Dame
- Greg Mena, Cal State Northridge
- Deone Zell, Cal State Northridge
Crowdsourcing Your Content
- Think of both tech and non-tech ways members of the campus community can contribute
- Think in terms of ownership: we want the entire community to feel like it’s their app, not just an app for where they work/learn
- If they own it, they will use it and provide lots of feedback
VisitND Challenge
- Stewart told me: “You should have a student tour contest!”
- Partnered with EVP, SAP (vendor) and Modo Labs, plus $4,500 in prizes lined up.
- Built student interest with a ladder of engagement: get people excited.
- Each team had to go through a mandatory 1-hour meeting (over dinner with pizza) to hand out credentials and walk them through Publisher, adding videos, where to check out cameras, how to use NC photo collections, etc.
- Teams had 30 days to build their tour
- Judging committee chose the top six, which went into the ND mobile app
- Collected public feedback and committee ranked the top 6
- Two biology majors won the event!
Crowdsourcing Your Content
- Think about how the campus community can be involved in the app building process
- Liberally borrow other schools’ (and apps’) ideas
- Find opportunities to solve “information pain points” on campus with your app
CSUN – Story of AppJam
- Desire for instructional apps on campus
- App Dev too expensive to outsource
- Valuable skill for students to learn
- Potential jobs await!
AppJam 2015
- Based our event off UC Irvine’s event
- Team challenge: 3+ members, cross-disciplinary
- Two categories: student life, student finances
- Open to all students
- 3 milestones: idea, wireframe/storyboard, video
- Showcase Event
Sample App Projects
- Book reselling
- Carpooling
- Campus Restaurant Rewards CArds
- Tutor Finding App
- Social Networking
Curriculum Apps
- We hired three of the students who participated in the AppJam2015 to help with app development
- Instructional designer works with the professor to determine what the student learning outcomes are, and from that determine what the outcomes for the application are.
- Tree of Life: app that helps bio students learn evolutionary trees
- Elite Gene Team: a difficult quiz app that teaches Mendelian Genetics
- Nematode Classification: an app that helps students identify nematodes under a microscope; there’s a companion faculty app that allows professors to view quiz answers.
AppJam 2016
- One main category: solve a problem on campus or the community
- This year, we have a “popular vote” sponsored by the Associated Students (hearts)
- Scaling app development by surfacing talent from: faculty, students, the campus, the voting public
- What’s your code maintenance strategy? We use BitBucket
- What about licensing of IP? Form of credit and form of revenue depends on the case. So far, no faculty have stepped up to claim ownership of their app.
- Are these all written in Swift? Yes.
- Did you consider security? No, the apps were judged on innovation, relevance, market potential, user experience