Title: Turning Big Data Analytics into Personal Student Data
- Shah Ardalan, President, Lone Star College System
- Christina Robinson Grochett, Chief Strategist – Innovation & Research, Lone Star College System
SLIDE: The Challenge
- Why is our educational ranking getting worse as technology becomes faster and bigger
- Why is the US GDP still hanging around 2.0
- Why is the unemployment rate not reduced to an acceptable level?
- Whay are there 4 million unfilled jobs in the U.S?
SLIDE: The Buzz
- Analytics
- Cloud Computing
- SaaS
- Big Data
Assumption is that big data can solve our big problems
The DOE MyData Button
In October 2012, the DoE announced they will add a “MyData” download button to allow students to download their own data into a simple, machine-readable file that they could share at their own discretion, with 3rd parties that develop helpful consumer tools.
The Solution:
What it is: http://www.ed.gov/edblogs/technology/mydata/
- HEY, QUICK QUESTIONS: do students get hired off data? NO
- …analytics NO
- …reports NO
- documents: YES (transxripts, diplomas, resumes, etc.)
Education and Career Positioning System, MyEdu Vault
Self Assessment: values, interests, skills, personality type. Shows jobs available.
WOW, this is a lot like the Pathways tool my team built: https://pathways.studentaffairs.csun.edu/
Is this available for anyone? Yes. It’s available for $50 / year by the student, not the institution.
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