
EDUCAUSE Web Professionals Constituent Group

Title:  EDUCAUSE Web Professionals Constituent Group

Facilitator:  Aren Cambre, Team Lead, Web Technologies, Southern Methodist University


Quick round of introductions, about 16 attendees.

What is the web now?  What makes it special?  What are we now?

There’s a ton of work to do yet with the web, we tend to be about five years behind the rest of the world.  We spent several minutes talking about CMSes (Ektron, OmniUpdate specifically) and how we tend to work with our marketing departments.

IT people are often are a store of institutional knowledge…do others experience this, too?  General nodding of assent around the room.  Decentralized IT units seem to be the norm.  UCLA has about 80 IT departments.  Other campuses also have many IT units.

We all leverage students to take care of our work.  It’s generally best to serve them with “progressive development opportunities.”  For example, angular framework, CloudFoundry, and Node.js were discussed.

Some talk about UX and design patterns, which led into a discussion about WCM.  Lots of Drupal, some WordPress, Cascade, OmniUpdate, plus a few others I didn’t catch.

Please use the UWebD list serve and use our EDUCAUSE web professionals list!




Turning Big Data Analytics into Personal Student Data

Title:  Turning Big Data Analytics into Personal Student Data


  • Shah Ardalan, President, Lone Star College System
  • Christina Robinson Grochett, Chief Strategist – Innovation & Research, Lone Star College System


SLIDE:  The Challenge

  • Why is our educational ranking getting worse as technology becomes faster and bigger
  • Why is the US GDP still hanging around 2.0
  • Why is the unemployment rate not reduced to an acceptable level?
  • Whay are there 4 million unfilled jobs in the U.S?


SLIDE:  The Buzz

  • Analytics
  • Cloud Computing
  • SaaS
  • BYOD
  • Big Data


Assumption is that big data can solve our big problems


The DOE MyData Button

In October 2012, the DoE announced they will add a “MyData” download button to allow students  to download their own data into a simple, machine-readable file that they could share at their own discretion, with 3rd parties that develop helpful consumer tools.


The Solution:  

What it is:

The Technical Spec

  • HEY, QUICK QUESTIONS:  do students get hired off data?  NO
  • …analytics  NO
  • …reports  NO
  • documents:  YES  (transxripts, diplomas, resumes, etc.)


Education and Career Positioning System, MyEdu Vault

Self Assessment:  values, interests, skills, personality type.  Shows jobs available.


WOW, this is a lot like the Pathways tool my team built:



Is this available for anyone?  Yes.  It’s available for $50 / year by the student, not the institution.



Learning Analytics for Educational Design and Student Predictions: Beyond the Hype with Real-Life Examples

Title:  Learning Analytics for Educational Design and Student Predictions:  Beyond the Hype with Real-Life Examples


  • Nynke Kruiderink, Teamleader, Educational Technology Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam
  • Perry J. Samson, Professor, Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • Nynke Bos, Program Manager, Educational Technology, University of Amsterdam


SLIDE:  Lessons Learned:  February 2012 – Present

Our Proof of Concept is Two-Tiered

  1. Interviews with lecturers, professors, managers
  2. Gather and store data in central place for easy access

General things we learned

  • Emotional response to “Big Brother” aspect of accessing data
  • Data from LMS not detailed enough (folder based, not file based)
  • 50% of learning data available
  • Piwki, not secure enough


Next Steps

  • Focus group:  learning analytics
  • Professor Erik Duval – KU Leuven  (his advice: undertake one project involving all that proves learning analytics is useful)

What is the Problem?

Recorded lectures

Recording of F2F lectures

No policy at the University of Amsterdam

Different deployment throughout the curriculum

Not at all (fears/emotional)

Week after the lecture

Week before the assessment


Student vs. Policy

Students demanded policy

QA department wanted insight into academic achievement before doing so

Development of didactic framework

Research:  learning analytics



  • Two courses on psychology
  • Courses run simultaneously
  • Intervention in one condition, but not the other


Data Collection

  • Viewing of recorded lecture
  • Lecture attendance per lecture
  • Final grade on the course (with more segmented view)
  • Some other data (grades on previous courses, distance to the lecture hall, gender, age, etc.)


Lessons Learned

  • Let people know what you are doing
  • Data preparation:  fuzzy, messy
  • Choose the data
  • Simplify the data
  • Keep an eye on the prize


LectureTools:  Analytics

Females in class were much more likely to ask questions using a clicker (lovingly referred to as the “WTF” button).

90% of students at University of Michigan in the meteorology class cited felt they would have gotten the same grade if they had never opened the textbook








Creating a Data Governance Program

Title:  Creating a Data Governance Program

Presenter:  Mike Chapple, University of Notre Dame


This presentation was one of those EDUCAUSE decided to webcast.  Primarily focused on events of last year, but will cover some things done over the last 5 – 10 years.

It All Starts with a Story…

One day, the President was wondering…how many students do we have?

Naturally, a lot of potential answers depending on who you ask.

SLIDE:  how Notre Dame views data governance, using a building to illustrate

Access to Data (Roof)

  • Quality & Consistency (current focus)
  • Policies & Standards (current focus)
  • Security & Privacy
  • Compliance
  • Retention & Archiving

Technology (Foundation


Data Driven Decision Making (D3M) = Business Intelligence (as it’s known everywhere else)

  • Definitions need to be agreed upon (i.e. – what is a student)


SLIDE:  Governance Model

  • Executive Sponsors (EVP, CIO)
  • Campus Data Steward
  • Unit Data Stewards
  • Coordinating Committees (Info Governance Committee, D3M Steering Committee)


SLIDE:  Domain Objectives

  • Data Steward(s) appointment
  • Data definitions and business rules
  • Data quality guidelines and monitoring process
  • Regulatory compliance plan (if applicable)


SLIDE:  Building Data Dictionary

  • Term, i.e. “Active Student”
  • Source System, i.e. Banner
  • Source Detail, i.e. SQL query which explains gory details of how you get the data


SLIDE:  Data Definition Components

  • Definition
  • Source System / Detail
  • Possible Values
  • Data Steward
  • Data Availability
  • Classification


SLIDE:  Start with Executive Support

This is pretty much an admonition; it really helps.  At Notre Dame, responsibility for this campus function landed with IT.


SLIDE:  Identify and Involve Stakeholders

Each item to be defined takes a meeting…it’s very time-consuming because you need to have representation from each area.  Data is owned by the university, not specific departments!

Notre Dame uses a “RACI” matrix for each defined term

R – responsible (office)

A – accountable (who keeps the group on-track)

C – consult (you have a seat at the table)

I – inform (people who need to know)

The matrix is distributed to all stakeholders so they can fill it in with their preferences.


SLIDE:  Reconcile Differences Visually

ND had two competing student numbers:  “Registrar Count” and “IR Count”

IR count = Externally reportable enrolled student

“Registrar Students” includes some folks like students on leave, zero credit students, etc.

Use a stacked bar, starting with externally reportable enrolled students, adding registrar student populations on top of that.


SLIDE:  Give the group a Starting Point

  • Start with a draft
  • Counting matters!  Definitions help address this possible problem.
  • Don’t use Jargon!


Security and Privacy

Risk-based security program

  1. Highly Sensitive (SSNs, CCs, Driver’s Licenses, Bank Accounts, ePHI)
  2. Sensitive (Everything else)
  3. Internal Information (info that would cause minimal damage is disclosed)



We have to be responsive to new legal realities, since our campuses are like small cities and any law passed probably affects some area on our campus.

All data must be auditable.

  • 75% of orgs have at least one person dedicated to IT compliance
  • 76% of orgs have a corporate executive-level compliance office or council

Build compliance plans

  • Document everything with respect to regulations, i.e. HIPAA
  • Everything should be substantiated



With so many stakeholders, how did you address and resolve differences in data definitions?  We didn’t really have very many of those disagreements, because each area was represented in each set of meetings, and there was a solid bond among the reps from each area.

What do you do with data NOT in the data warehouse?  You just have to find some way to “chunk the work out.”  The output of the program must be pristine, so naturally priorities must be set.

Did ND work with IU, since most of this is the same?  No.

What tools are you using to manage metadata?  Google Docs for now, great for getting started, but it’s not conducive to long-term maintenance.  We’re actually building our own graph database.  This tool will ultimately expose this data for other tools.

Any principle for prioritization?   Steering committees prioritize based on BI needs of the institution.

Is there an ongoing need for a campus data steward versus a department data steward?  In some areas, the data is general or applies to many different populations.  Campus steward plays an important coordination role.

Do you consider your work the beginning of a master data management program?  Yes!

Do you see shadow systems as being a problem?  We’re not really far enough along to have experienced this problem yet.  Data is not widely available yet.  We refer to this phase “taking it from the team to the enterprise.”

This is for administrative data, yes?  Yes, it does NOT include research data.


Ethics and Analytics: Limits of Knowledge and a Horizon of Opportunity

Title:  Ethics and Analytics –  Limits of Knowledge and a Horizon of Opportunity


  • James E. Willis III, Ph.D., Purdue University
  • Matthew D. Pistilli, Ph.D., Purdue University


(See my related post, “The Edward Snowden Affair: A Teachable Moment for Student Affairs and Higher Ed“)


Highly interactive session, sat in groups of five and discussed among ourselves.

SLIDE:  Lack of Discussion of Ethics in Data and Technological Innovation


  • Cutting-edge technologies are being developed every dy
  • Cost/profit margins are determined with speed of development
  • Typeicall education lines are split between science adn humanities/technolgoy and ethics
  • Difference between what can be done and what should be done


SLIDE:  Where to Go from Here?

  • Begin the discussion now
  • Have the difficult converations
  • Bring together the stakeholders:  data scientists, engineers, managers, ethicists
  • Establish a framework to adapt quickly to questions of whether or not an action or research agenda should occur


SLIDE:  Ethical Discussions = Innovation

Logic of negation

  • Why shouldn’t we do this?
  • What should we do instead?

Different paths emerge from divergent conversations

  • Stakeholders have different voices and understandings of potential paths of development


SLIDE:  Potter’s Box


  • ID values
  • Appealing to ethical principles
  • Choosing Loyalties
  • Responsibilities and recommendations

How Potter’s Box is useful for ongoing discussions

If you know a student is at risk, what do you do?  What is your responsibility?


SLIDE:  Research Questions

  • What do the ethical models look like?
  • How are these models deployed rapidly – at the speed of technology?
  • How are these models refined with time?


SLIDE:  Group Discussion 1

What are the current projects going on in learning analytics today?  What are the potential ethical pitfalls that surround these developments?  Why are they potentially harmful?  Are these things always wrong or are they contextually wrong?

Some of the ideas generated by the room:

  • Type 1 / Type 2 error:  will the student pass this class?  What’s my prediction – will the student pass or fail the class?  How accurate is your prediction – did your model work?
  • Is it right to get information from the students?  Where does the locus of control lie?  Does the institution need to take more responsibility for this?
  • University One (FYE equivalent in Canada) – informal collection and sharing with the next year.  Are we branding / labeling students appropriately?  Are we sharing this information appropriately?  Who should know what and at what point?  Will that affect their future studies?
  • Top-down approach using a product with funding from the Gates Foundation (similar to the InBloom project).  Goal is to make a product that analyzes what students should be taking.  Pitfalls:  don’t know model, don’t know the raw data.


SLIDE:  Group Discussion 2

What is the role of “knowing” a predictive analytics – once something is known, what are the ethical ramifications of action or inaction?  What are the roles of student autonomy, information confidentiality, and predictive modeling in terms of ethical development of new systems / software / analytics?

  • How much do we really know?  If we have a high level of confidence, what is our responsibility?
  • Could it be solved by giving students opt-in versus opt-out?
  • Discovering things, going down certain paths that may raise ethical questions about students who may not succeed…i.e. financial burdens that may be incurred due to failure.


SLIDE:  Group Discussion 3

How might we affect the development of future analytics systems by having ethical discussions?  What are possible inventions that could come from these discussions?

  • See more active participation from the students, with a better understanding of how their data is going to be used.
  • Obligation to allow students to fail; channeling people into things they can be successful with.
  • EU regs:  disclosure, portability, forget
  • Portability:  health care analog; your info can go from one hospital to another, and that data has real-world benefits to patients.
  • Information can also say a lot about faculty too.


SLIDE:  Group Discussion 4

What are the frontiers of ethical discussions and technology?  Are there new frameworks?  How can we affect the future by today’s discussions?

  • Maybe you can redefine what student success is?  Maybe it isn’t graduation rates…
  • How do we affect the future?  It’s all of our roles to be a part of this conversation!  You don’t really have the option to say “I don’t have the time for this”